Estoy cansada, muy muy cansada u.u
y espero no dormirme hoy a la noche.
Ojala que sea todo muy divertido, yo creo que si
porque la gente que me rodea es muy genial,
con sus cosas pero... ♥
sábado, 31 de julio de 2010
viernes, 30 de julio de 2010
Well, baby they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make up a sound
I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now
It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
It's the risk that I'm takin'
I ain't never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again
Feels like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
The risk that I'm takin'
I'm never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Halo, halo.
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010
Bueno voy a contar mi dia, o parte de el porque no termino.Me levantw tipo 7 porque tenia que ir a particular de Semiotica, si re temprano pero la mina vive pasando Juan B Justo O SEA lejiiiiiiisimo de mi casa y tengo que estar 9.30 es como un hora de viaje (espero que me sirvas particular porque la verdad es que estoy muy cansada u.u) Durante le viaje escuche una y otra y otra y ooootra ves Bulletproof♥ y mire por la ventana todo el camino, yo creo que la flasheo ultimamente porque en los viajes es como que miro las cosas como de otra forma, es decir, las veo como mas lejanas como que mi vista abarca mas cosas y veo cosas que no vi antes por mas que halla pasado miles de veces antes y veo cosas re lindas y estructuras antiguas y no se es muy genial. Luego de particular de Semiotica me fui a la Muniiiiiiiiiii a trabajar (odio decir la palabra es como que no pega con migo) bue para cuando llege yo ya estaba re cansada y con sueño pero fue, me la tengo que bancar.. la gente me cae bien o mas o menos, es como que tienen sus dias.. como todos supongo, y fue la primera vez que comi en el trabajo y me senti tan grande y como responsable por dos segundos que casi me agarra un ataque de panico..anyway. Luego me fui y volvi a casa, para esto ya eran casi las tres y a penas llege me meti a bañar para luego ir a mi otro particular de Matematica jxdbvdifbndfj (quiero aprobar u.u pero no veo nada posible..) bue seguia con todo el sueño y cansansio etc etc pero es como mas suelto este lugar y dicen muchas boludeces la gente asi que en cierta forma no fue taan feo y dificil de llevar, pero de todas formas estaba en particular. Cuando salgo uno de mis compañeros que yo ya lo veia medio raro actuando con migo me dice si quiere que me lleve a mi casa y yo le dije que no xq me da miedo ir en el caño de la bici y luego me dice de salir a algun lado y yo WTF y luego me dice yo se que vos me ves como un pendejo y no se que mas..lo que me faltaba que este me tire onda.. en fin.. llego a mi casa tipo 6.30 y voy con mi mama para averiguar otro particular de matematica xq monica se va de vacaciones el sabado y me quedo en la nada, el tema es que empiezo el viernes a las 10... llege a mi casa con el ree hambre y no hay nada ¬¬ bue tome cafe y ahora estoy aca escuchando Soda (el ultimo concierto para ser mas precisa.. jaja ) y nada eso hasta ahora. Ahora voy a entrar al Face y seguro me ree deprima... esperen que entro y les digo (? bueno no :) y asi termina mi dia...
Cosas que seguramente hare en lo que resta de dia:
Tomar mas cafe, comer milanesas xq no pienso comer lo que haga mi mama, "estudiar" ¬¬ , ver tele, seguramente me deprima como toda emo que soy :) talves me valla a bañar de nuevo, ver boludeces en la pc y etc (?
Cosas que seguramente hare en lo que resta de dia:
Tomar mas cafe, comer milanesas xq no pienso comer lo que haga mi mama, "estudiar" ¬¬ , ver tele, seguramente me deprima como toda emo que soy :) talves me valla a bañar de nuevo, ver boludeces en la pc y etc (?
martes, 27 de julio de 2010
Smiles and his laugher, it's the only thing that i've been waiting for a time. Regardless of our distance and our hope, grows greater. Trapped by pretty eyes and letters for all time...the only thing that i've been waiting for. I hope it's something worth the waiting 'cause it's the only time that i ever feel real. Thunder storms could never stop me. 'Cause there's no one in the world like, you. He's simple yet confusing. His sparkling eyes make me weak at my words, they tremble. Days seem like years in this month of December, the winter, coldens me for i have yet to sleep, and never will i give up trying 'cause you're everything to me. I hope it's something worth the waiting 'cause it's the only time that i ever feel real. Thunder storms could never stop me. 'Cause there's no one in the world like, you. 'Cause there's no one in the world like...
lunes, 26 de julio de 2010
domingo, 25 de julio de 2010
sábado, 24 de julio de 2010
to a race
I practice unconscious cannibalism
and the punishment as well
As a human i thirst
all the wealth,
all the gold,
All the toys,all the joys
I try to be a hippie
but no matter
How i try is not for me
But nothing is changing
And nobody is
wondering why?
The goldfish is upside down
We smash this earth
is time to leave for good
The rich people will be the first of all
Minorities will have to take next ship
In tiny planets we can buy and sale
I wished i can have what i don´t have
He comes to fear for she´s don´t have
To drink the peace for several years
Looking for something else to be consumed.
viernes, 23 de julio de 2010
miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010
Me quieren tanto tus ojos que hasta parece mentira son como niños jugando con barriletes de almíbar. En que tus ojos encuentro la razón de mi delirio y cuando vuelo en tus ojos descubro que también son míos. Cuando se ven alejados distantes en el olvido por momento siento que algo quedó sangrando, escondido. Y luego siento que todo es parte de un mismo camino. si me sorprende el mal tiempo serian tus ojos, mi instinto... claro como el sol en la luna, claro como el tiempo se va y tu corazón de llanura es claro como la oscuridad.El sol no desaparece aunque las nubes persistan, solo se toma un momento para morir en la brisa atravesando los muros de cartón y golosinas persevantes colores seducen toda mi alegría.Yo me imagino que un día cuando me muera en la brisa, cuando atraviese los muros de cartón y golosinas, descubriré si los frutos de colores y alegría no fueron mas que tus ojos, no fueron mas que mi vida, dame un poquito de vos, tu poción, tu silencio se vuelve emoción alo de luz, tu reír, tu dolor me ilumina un oscuro temor...
Closer to the edge .
I don't remember one moment
i tried to forget.
I lost myself yet
i'm better not sad.
Now I'm closer to the edge.
It was a a thousand to one
and a million to two.
Time to go down in flames
and I'm taking you.
Closer to the edge.
No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again.
No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again.
No, no, no, no
Can you imagine a time
when the truth ran free
A birth of a song,
a death of a dream.
Closer to the edge
This never ending story,
hate 4 wheel driving fate
We all fall short of glory,
lost in ourself.
No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again
No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again
No, no, no, no
No, no, no, no
I will never forget
No, no
I will never regret
No, no
I will live my life.
No, no, no, no
I will never forget
No, no
I will never regret
No, no
I will live my life.
No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again
No, no
No, I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again
No, no, no, no
Closer to the edge
Closer to the edge
No, no, no, no
Closer to the edge
Closer to the edge
No, no, no, no
Closer to the edge . ♥
i tried to forget.
I lost myself yet
i'm better not sad.
Now I'm closer to the edge.
It was a a thousand to one
and a million to two.
Time to go down in flames
and I'm taking you.
Closer to the edge.
No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again.
No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again.
No, no, no, no
Can you imagine a time
when the truth ran free
A birth of a song,
a death of a dream.
Closer to the edge
This never ending story,
hate 4 wheel driving fate
We all fall short of glory,
lost in ourself.
No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again
No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again
No, no, no, no
No, no, no, no
I will never forget
No, no
I will never regret
No, no
I will live my life.
No, no, no, no
I will never forget
No, no
I will never regret
No, no
I will live my life.
No I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again
No, no
No, I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day, maybe we'll meet again
No, no, no, no
Closer to the edge
Closer to the edge
No, no, no, no
Closer to the edge
Closer to the edge
No, no, no, no
Closer to the edge . ♥
martes, 20 de julio de 2010
A Quick Little Flight
Now I'm just spacing out again if I try hard enough I'll pretend that I'm flying above some trees and they're smiling and waving at me.
With the clouds on my back I can see all the people down there fast asleep. Now I see your house far, far below, so I'll fly down and give you a show.
Can you see me through your bedroom window?
Are you waking up your friends to watch with you?
Can you see me at all?
domingo, 18 de julio de 2010
Let It Happen
I have a ringing in my head
And no one to help me answer it
Even with you close enough to kiss.
Every minute is arranged
Every moment lasts a day
But thinking about it can't help me let go,
I know.
Talk, talking a lot, but it's still talk
Gotta love how it's somehow all on me
All the petty scenes
And all the pretty things
Say whatever you want
'Cause I can laugh it off.
I can laugh it off.
I must look like I'm running away
To you at your faster pace
I wonder what it is you could have seen,
in me.
I'm the evil one who said.
Gonna let everything just happen
Just like my chest, my ears are proud
The collision is such an ugly sound.
I can hear you now.
Talk, talking a lot, but it's still talk
Gotta love how it's somehow all on me
All the petty scenes
And all the pretty things
Say whatever you want
'Cause I can laugh it off.
Talk, talking a lot, but it's still talk
Gotta love how it's somehow all on me
And all the placings
And all the pretty things
Say whatever you want
'Cause I can laugh it off.
I can laugh it off.
I can hear you now
Talk, talking a lot, but it's still talk
Gotta love how it's somehow all on me
All the petty scenes
And all the pretty things
Say whatever you want
'Cause I can laugh it off.
Talk, talking a lot, but it's still talk
Gotta love how it's somehow all on me
All the petty scenes
And all the pretty things
Say whatever you want
'Cause I can laugh it off.
And no one to help me answer it
Even with you close enough to kiss.
Every minute is arranged
Every moment lasts a day
But thinking about it can't help me let go,
I know.
Talk, talking a lot, but it's still talk
Gotta love how it's somehow all on me
All the petty scenes
And all the pretty things
Say whatever you want
'Cause I can laugh it off.
I can laugh it off.
I must look like I'm running away
To you at your faster pace
I wonder what it is you could have seen,
in me.
I'm the evil one who said.
Gonna let everything just happen
Just like my chest, my ears are proud
The collision is such an ugly sound.
I can hear you now.
Talk, talking a lot, but it's still talk
Gotta love how it's somehow all on me
All the petty scenes
And all the pretty things
Say whatever you want
'Cause I can laugh it off.
Talk, talking a lot, but it's still talk
Gotta love how it's somehow all on me
And all the placings
And all the pretty things
Say whatever you want
'Cause I can laugh it off.
I can laugh it off.
I can hear you now
Talk, talking a lot, but it's still talk
Gotta love how it's somehow all on me
All the petty scenes
And all the pretty things
Say whatever you want
'Cause I can laugh it off.
Talk, talking a lot, but it's still talk
Gotta love how it's somehow all on me
All the petty scenes
And all the pretty things
Say whatever you want
'Cause I can laugh it off.
sábado, 17 de julio de 2010
The truth about heaven
Saw the stone and the note you left for me,
to answer your question
I just had to leave,
I just had to leave.
But that's not why im here,
I came down here to tell you it rains in heaven all day long,
I want to find you so bad and let you know I'm miserable up here without you,
Found my way back in the dark tonight,
Couldn't wake up not right next to you,
I'd trade forever to just hear you say
the sound of my name.
But that's not why I'm here,
I came down here to tell you it rains in heaven all day long,
I want to find you so bad and let you know
I'm miserable up here without you,
Don't believe that its better when you leave everything behind,
don't believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die,
don't believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die.
I came down here to tell you it rains in heaven all day long,
I want to find you so bad and let you know
I'm miserable up here without you,
Don't believe that the weather
is perfect the day that you die.
miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010
Is it progression if a cannibal uses a fork?
we all know that you're a beautiful girl
in this horrible world
and this suggestion of horror
the portraits on the walls.
The look in your eyes
they always seem to follow.
The look in your eyes
they always seem to
follow me.
Out of tune this tale of terror
the slow tolling of the funeral bell.
I want to know whats going on in that
pretty little head of yours.
Everyday is a bone palace ballet.
Biting the flesh from your finger,
you know i just cant help myself.
I wish it were believe
but belief is a graveyard.
May this light never see morning
its finally what were not.
Maybe you're the one thats overrated.
Strike and scream much too horrified to speak.
Out of tune this tale of terror
the slow tolling of the funeral bell.
I want to know whats going on in that
pretty little head of yours.
Everyday is a bone palace ballet.
This morning i woke up. I rubbed my eyes and
i took a quick glance around the room
and saw what happened here last night.
There was blood on the walls
and the sheets smelled like sweat and sex.
We have narrowed it down to a butcher knife
and the mockingbird with the blood.
Out of tune this tale of terror
the slow tolling of the funeral bell.
I want to know whats going on in that
pretty little head of yours.
Everyday is a bone palace ballet.
lunes, 12 de julio de 2010
viernes, 9 de julio de 2010
So happy I could die.
miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010
martes, 6 de julio de 2010
Fire with fire
being surrounded every direction,
Love was just something you found
to add to your collection,
It used to seem we were number one,
but now it sounds so far away,
I had a dream we were running from
some blazing arrows yesterday,
You said fight fire with fire,
fire with fire, fire with fire
Through desire, desi- sire, desi-,
through your desire
Now the city blocks out the sun
that you know is rising,
You can show me the work that you’ve done,
your fears have been disguising,
Is it just me or is everyone,
hiding out between the lights,
Where will we be when we come undone?
Just a simple meeting of the minds
Singing we’ll fight fire with fire,
fire with fire, fire with fire
Through desire, desi- sire, desi-,
through your desire
We’ll fight fire with fire,
fire with fire, fire with fire
Your desire, desi- sire, desi-,
through your desire
And while ... in your stars
There’s a million else burning brightly
just like fire fight,
It’s cold and heaven
surround you every direction,
Cause there’s someone behind every hand
that you’ve made a connection
And now we’re free to be number one,
morning isn’t far away,
I had a dream we were holding on,
and tomorrow as we come today,
we come today
And we’ll fight with fire,
fire with fire, fire with fire
Through desire, desi- sire, desi-,
through your desire
We’ll fight fire with fire,
fire with fire, fire with fire
Your desire, desi- sire, desi-,
through your desire.
lunes, 5 de julio de 2010
Future love
The one... 
It's nice to meet you.
Your very cute.
Rubber man.]
I can't help myself,
I'm in love.
And when I get back,
From outer space,
I'm gonna punch him in his face.
He's the moon,
Then I'm eclipsed
I'm so lunar yeah,
When I get to him,
I'll run him over with my rocket ship.
My eyeliner,
Runs, in, constellations
For you dear.
If only, I could,
Reboot my mechanical heart,
I'd think clear.
Baby I'm feelin' so out of this world,
Baby with you I'm a different girl,
(Uh-oh, oh)
You're my future love.
Baby could we make a home in the stars,
Baby somewhere in a galaxy far,
(Uh-oh, oh)
You're my future love.
I want your f-f-f-f-future love,
I want your f-f-f-f-future love,
Would you be my f-f-f-f-future love,
I want your f-f-f-f-future love
Would you be my f-f-f-f-fu-ture man,
I wanna f-f-fuck you hard as I can,
Would you be my f-f-f-future man,
I wanna f-f-f-future man.
I've been workin',
In engineering,
All our chem-estries,
And our situ-ations,
Workin' out our sex equations
And I'm no,
I'm no, nostradamas yeah,
Cause' my hair is blond,
But my heart is brunette,
If I'm not on you,
And at lease I'm honest.
My, mascara,
Runs, in, con-ste-llations,
For you dear,
My dear.
If on-ly I could,
Outer space my brain,
For a minute.
I'd think clear.
Baby I'm feelin' so out of this world,
Baby with you I'm a different girl,
(Uh-oh, oh)
You're my fu-ture love.
Baby could we make a home in the stars,
Baby somewhere in a galaxy far,
(Uh-oh, oh)
You're my fu-ture love.
I want your f-f-f-f-future love,
I want your f-f-f-f-future love,
Would you be my f-f-f-f-future love,
I want your f-f-f-f-future love,
Would you be my f-f-f-f-fu-ture man,
I wanna f-f-fuck you hard as I can,
Would you be my f-f-f-future man,
I want your f-f-f-f-future man,
You can come and take me in,
To a place where we've never been,
He's so unreal yeah,
He's mannequin,
He's a synthetic, plastic, an unreal man,
I'll buy you playing cards,
On a shooting star,
To get to you
My future lo-ver-er,
He's my rubber hunk,
My kind-of guy,
And I'm stuck in,
His metal, rubber eyes,
Eye, eye, eyes...
Rubber eyes,
Eye, eye, eyes...
My future guy...
I ♥ you.

It's nice to meet you.
Your very cute.
Rubber man.]
I can't help myself,
I'm in love.
And when I get back,
From outer space,
I'm gonna punch him in his face.
He's the moon,
Then I'm eclipsed
I'm so lunar yeah,
When I get to him,
I'll run him over with my rocket ship.
My eyeliner,
Runs, in, constellations
For you dear.
If only, I could,
Reboot my mechanical heart,
I'd think clear.
Baby I'm feelin' so out of this world,
Baby with you I'm a different girl,
(Uh-oh, oh)
You're my future love.
Baby could we make a home in the stars,
Baby somewhere in a galaxy far,
(Uh-oh, oh)
You're my future love.
I want your f-f-f-f-future love,
I want your f-f-f-f-future love,
Would you be my f-f-f-f-future love,
I want your f-f-f-f-future love
Would you be my f-f-f-f-fu-ture man,
I wanna f-f-fuck you hard as I can,
Would you be my f-f-f-future man,
I wanna f-f-f-future man.
I've been workin',
In engineering,
All our chem-estries,
And our situ-ations,
Workin' out our sex equations
And I'm no,
I'm no, nostradamas yeah,
Cause' my hair is blond,
But my heart is brunette,
If I'm not on you,
And at lease I'm honest.
My, mascara,
Runs, in, con-ste-llations,
For you dear,
My dear.
If on-ly I could,
Outer space my brain,
For a minute.
I'd think clear.
Baby I'm feelin' so out of this world,
Baby with you I'm a different girl,
(Uh-oh, oh)
You're my fu-ture love.
Baby could we make a home in the stars,
Baby somewhere in a galaxy far,
(Uh-oh, oh)
You're my fu-ture love.
I want your f-f-f-f-future love,
I want your f-f-f-f-future love,
Would you be my f-f-f-f-future love,
I want your f-f-f-f-future love,
Would you be my f-f-f-f-fu-ture man,

I wanna f-f-fuck you hard as I can,
Would you be my f-f-f-future man,
I want your f-f-f-f-future man,
You can come and take me in,
To a place where we've never been,
He's so unreal yeah,
He's mannequin,
He's a synthetic, plastic, an unreal man,
I'll buy you playing cards,
On a shooting star,
To get to you
My future lo-ver-er,
He's my rubber hunk,
My kind-of guy,
And I'm stuck in,
His metal, rubber eyes,
Eye, eye, eyes...
Rubber eyes,
Eye, eye, eyes...
My future guy...
I ♥ you.
domingo, 4 de julio de 2010
No way
Saw a shadow
And I knew that it wasn't mine
You and her
I know that you were intertwined
Even though
her clothes were on and everything
Your eyes were somewhere else and you were both to blame
Don't say a word,
I'm sure that it won't be enough
To erase what I know
Just happens not what dreams are made of
This is my house and I won't allow the disrespect
Baby don't look at me like that,
I don't belong to you
'Cause baby now that you're caught what am I supposed to say
We went so wrong, that what you did
But I still feel this way
I can't believe it or forget it,
what I saw today
And if you're wonderin' if I'm staying
The answer is no way
No way-ay-ay-ay
No way-ay-ay-ay
No way-ay-ay-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay
And then I saw something I know did not belong to me
But then I thought there was no way you would do that to me
And then last week when you went outside to use your phone
I felt a chill but told myself that it was from the cold
And I just woke up but I wish that it was a nightmare
'Cause when I have those it isn't real like this one is
This is my heart and I won't allow the disrespect
Baby don't look at me like that, I don't belong to you
'Cause baby now that you're caught what am I supposed to say
We went so wrong, that what you did
But I still feel this way
I can't believe it or forget it, what I saw today
And if you're wonderin' if I'm staying
The answer is no way
No way-ay-ay-ay
No way-ay-ay-ay
No way-ay-ay-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay
There are more things I know
You can take the dinner leftover from last night
I made you your favorite goodbye
'Cause baby now that you're caught what am I supposed to say
We went so wrong, that what you did
But I still feel this way
I can't believe it or forget it, what I saw today
And if you're wonderin' if I'm staying
The answer is no way
No way-ay-ay-ay
No way-ay-ay-ay
No way-ay-ay-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay
Ehh-ehh-ohh-noo way
No way
And I knew that it wasn't mine
You and her

Even though
her clothes were on and everything
Your eyes were somewhere else and you were both to blame
Don't say a word,
I'm sure that it won't be enough
To erase what I know
Just happens not what dreams are made of
This is my house and I won't allow the disrespect
Baby don't look at me like that,
I don't belong to you
'Cause baby now that you're caught what am I supposed to say
We went so wrong, that what you did
But I still feel this way
I can't believe it or forget it,
what I saw today
And if you're wonderin' if I'm staying
The answer is no way
No way-ay-ay-ay
No way-ay-ay-ay
No way-ay-ay-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay
And then I saw something I know did not belong to me
But then I thought there was no way you would do that to me
And then last week when you went outside to use your phone
I felt a chill but told myself that it was from the cold
And I just woke up but I wish that it was a nightmare
'Cause when I have those it isn't real like this one is
This is my heart and I won't allow the disrespect
Baby don't look at me like that, I don't belong to you
'Cause baby now that you're caught what am I supposed to say
We went so wrong, that what you did
But I still feel this way
I can't believe it or forget it, what I saw today
And if you're wonderin' if I'm staying
The answer is no way
No way-ay-ay-ay
No way-ay-ay-ay
No way-ay-ay-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay
There are more things I know
You can take the dinner leftover from last night
I made you your favorite goodbye
'Cause baby now that you're caught what am I supposed to say
We went so wrong, that what you did
But I still feel this way
I can't believe it or forget it, what I saw today
And if you're wonderin' if I'm staying
The answer is no way
No way-ay-ay-ay
No way-ay-ay-ay
No way-ay-ay-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay-ee-ay
Ehh-ehh-ohh-noo way
No way
viernes, 2 de julio de 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No good boys ever go to heaven
But it's loving wonderland
Open mouth kiss and we dance
I can't believe c-c-c-can't believe that I met you
Pink champaigne
Merryround spinning round again
In this wonderland, where I met you
So dj play
Let the record spin again
In this wonderland, where I met you
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Hold your breath, count to 11
Bodies moving wonderland
Open mouth kiss and we dance
I can't believe c-c-c-can't believe how I met you
Pink champaigne
Merryround spinning round again
In this wonderland, where I met you
So dj play
Let the record spin again
In this wonderland, where I met you
Talk to me baby
Talk to me baby
Talk to me baby
Talk to me baby
Take my hand
Talk to me baby
No good boys ever go to heaven
But it's loving wonderland
Open mouth kiss and we dance
I can't believe c-c-c-can't believe that I met you
Pink champaigne
Merryround spinning round again
In this wonderland, where I met you
So dj play
Let the record spin again
In this wonderland, where I met you
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Hold your breath, count to 11
Bodies moving wonderland
Open mouth kiss and we dance
I can't believe c-c-c-can't believe how I met you
Pink champaigne
Merryround spinning round again
In this wonderland, where I met you
So dj play
Let the record spin again
In this wonderland, where I met you
Talk to me baby
Talk to me baby
Talk to me baby
Talk to me baby
Take my hand
Talk to me baby
jueves, 1 de julio de 2010
Let love down
I can't remember when he looked at me and cried
Said something broke inside of you
Were my best friend
Whatever come our way
You know I'm your gal till the end
When I finally go away
I know you'll look for me one day
When you let love down
Oh, you let love down
I don't have to remind you
But you know that I'm around.
When you let love down
Oh you let me down
Get a little love down
Let it down, oh, oh
I can't remember when
You put your hands on mine
But couldn't play in time when we
Were not together
Just sing a little song
Blueberry kisses forever
When I finally go away
I know you'll look for me one day
Oh, yeah, it's so sad
When you let love down
Oh, you let love down
I don't have to remind you
But you know that I'm around
When you let love down
Oh you let me down
Get a little love down
Let it down, oh, oh
Ohhh, ohhh
Don't let me down
Ohh, don't let me down
Ohhh, ohh
When you let love down
Oh, you let love down
I don't have to remind you
But you know that I'm around
When you let love down
Oh you let me down
Don't let me down
Let it down oh, oh
Get a little love down...
Said something broke inside of you
Were my best friend
Whatever come our way
You know I'm your gal till the end
When I finally go away
I know you'll look for me one day
When you let love down
Oh, you let love down
I don't have to remind you
But you know that I'm around.
When you let love down
Oh you let me down
Get a little love down
Let it down, oh, oh
I can't remember when
You put your hands on mine
But couldn't play in time when we
Were not together
Just sing a little song
Blueberry kisses forever
When I finally go away
I know you'll look for me one day
Oh, yeah, it's so sad
When you let love down
Oh, you let love down
I don't have to remind you
But you know that I'm around
When you let love down
Oh you let me down
Get a little love down
Let it down, oh, oh
Ohhh, ohhh
Don't let me down
Ohh, don't let me down
Ohhh, ohh
When you let love down
Oh, you let love down
I don't have to remind you
But you know that I'm around
When you let love down
Oh you let me down
Don't let me down
Let it down oh, oh
Get a little love down...
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